URF Mode

Introducing URF (Ultra Rapid Fire) players will have access to all their class spells during the time of the event.

During URF resilience and healing will be increased.

The first URF event will start on friday (31. january).

List of added abilities:

# Rogue

114842 # Shadow Walk
5938 # Shiv
114018 # Shroud of Concealment
57934 # Tricks of the Trade
73981 # Redirect
121411 # Crimson Tempest
76577 # Smoke Bomb
121471 # Shadow Blades

### Assa
79140 # Vendetta
76803 # Mastery: Potent Poisons

### Combat
51690 # Killing Spree
76806 # Mastery Main Gauche

### Subtlety
51713 # Shadow Dance
76808 # Mastery Executioner

# Hunter

53271 # Master’s Call
34477 # Misdirection
19263 # Deterrence
83245 # Call Pet 5
51753 # Camouflage
121818 # Stampede

### Beast Mastery
76657 # Mastery: Master of Beasts
77767 # Cobra Shot

### Marksmanship
53238 # Piercing Shots
76659 # Mastery: Wild Quiver

### Survival
76658 # Mastery: Essence of the Viper
77767 # Cobra Shot

# Shaman

76780 # Bind Elemental
51514 # Hex
8017 # Rockbiter Weapon
120668 # Stormlash Totem
116956 # Grace of Air
73680 # Unleash Elements
79206 # Spiritwalker’s Grace
114049 # Ascendance

### Elemental
77222 # Mastery: Elemental Overload

### Enhancement
77223 # Mastery: Enhanced Elements

### Restoration
77226 # Mastery: Deep Healing

# Priest

32375 # Mass Dispel
48045 # Mind Sear
73413 # Inner Will
73325 # Leap of Faith

### Discipline
92297 # Train of Thought
77484 # Mastery: Shield Discipline
108968 # Void Shift

### Holy
64843 # Divine Hymn
77485 # Mastery: Echo of Light
108968 # Void Shift

### Shadow
64044 # Psychic Horror
15286 # Vamperic Embrace
77486 # Mastery: Shadowy Recall
142723 # Void Shift

# Paladin

31884 # Avenging Wrath
6940 # Hand of Sacrifice
19740 # Blessing of Might
115675 # Boundless Conviction
115750 # Blinding Light

### Holy
86669 # Guardian of Ancient Kings
76669 # Mastery: Illuminated Healing

### Protection
86659 # Guardian of Ancient Kings
76671 # Mastery: Divine Bulwark

### Retribution
86698 # Guardian of Ancient Kings
140333 # Absolve
76672 # Mastery: Hand of Light
84963 # Inquisition

# Druid

106922 # Might of Ursoc
740 # Tranquility
33786 # Cyclone
22570 # Maim
106898 # Stampeding Roar
110309 # Symbiosis

### Balance
48505 # Starfall
77492 # Mastery: Total Eclipse
88747 # Wild Mushroom
88751 # Wild Mushroom: Detonate

### Feral
77493 # Mastery: Razor Claws

### Guardian
5229 # Enrage
77494 # Mastery: Nature’s Guardian

### Restoration
48438 # Wild Growth
77495 # Mastery: Harmony
92364 # Malfurion’s Gift
145205 # Wild Mushroom
102791 # Wild Mushroom: Bloom
145518 # Genesis

# Warrior

3411 # Intervene
64382 # Shattering Throw
97462 # Rallying Cry
6544 # Heroic Leap
114203 # Demoralizing Banner
114192 # Mocking Banner
114207 # Skull Banner

### Arms
76838 # Mastery: Strikes of Opportunity
86346 # Colossus Smash
29725 # Sudden Death

### Fury
76856 # Mastery: Unshackled Fury
86346 # Colossus Smash

### Protection
145672 # Riposte
76857 # Mastery: Critical Block
112048 # Shield Barrier

# Mage

43987 # Conjure Refreshment Table
117957 # Nether Attunement
6117 # Mage Armor
84254 # Burning Soul
80353 # Time Warp
108978 # Alter Time

### Arcane
76547 # Mastery: Mana Adept

### Fire
11129 # Combustion
12846 # Mastery: Ignite
132209 # Pyromaniac

### Frost
44549 # Brain Freeze
76613 # Mastery: Icicles

# Warlock

48018 # Demonic Circle: Summon
48020 # Demonic Circle: Teleport
77799 # Fel Flame
109773 # Dark Intent
111771 # Demonic Gateway
131973 # Pandemic

### Affliction
103112 # Soulburn: Curse
86121 # Soul Swap
141931 # Soulburn: Soul Swap
77215 # Mastery: Potent Afflictions
113860 # Dark Soul: Misery
104243 # Soulburn: Demonic Circle: Teleport

### Demonology
108869 # Decimation
124917 # Metamorphosis: Chaos Wave
77219 # Mastery: Master Demonologist
113861 # Dark Soul: Knowledge
129343 # Metamorphosis: Void Ray

### Destruction
120451 # Flames of Xoroth
77220 # Mastery: Emberstorm
113858 # Dark Soul: Instability
123686 # Pyroclasm

# Monk

115176 # Zen Meditation
101643 # Transcendence
119996 # Transcendence: Transfer

### Brewmaster
119582 # Purifying Brew
117906 # Mastery: Elusive Brawler

### Mistweaver
115310 # Revival
117907 # Mastery: Gift of the Serpent

### Windwalker
137639 # Storm, Earth, and Fire
115636 # Mastery: Bottled Fury
116781 # Legacy of the White Tiger

# Death Knight

47568 # Empower Rune Weapon
42650 # Army of the Dead
77575 # Outbreak
73975 # Necrotic Strike
77606 # Dark Simulacrum

### Blood
81127 # Sanguine Fortitude
49028 # Dancing Rune Weapon
55233 # Vampiric Blood
145676 # Riposte
49222 # Bone Shield
77513 # Mastery: Blood Shield
81136 # Crimson Scourge
114866 # Soul Reaper

### Frost
81333 # Might of the Frozen Wastes
66192 # Threat of Thassarian
77514 # Mastery: Frozen Heart
130735 # Soul Reaper

### Unholy
49206 # Summon Gargoyle
50392 # Improved Unholy Presence
77515 # Mastery: Dreadblade
130736 # Soul Reaper